Production Blog: Overall
Overall, the commercial came out much better than expected. After both previous production blogs regarding editing and filming, some small tweaks and fixes were made. More scenes were dropped, and other scenes were added. I removed a slow-motion scene originally included in the nightmare scene. We all agreed that it was best if that scene was dropped. Also, it would make space for a better scene to be added to the commercial. Also, the closing scene was dropped. A new closing scene was added which improved the quality of the commercial, making it the perfect ending. After all the removal and additions of scenes, the commercial still ended up at 29 seconds. Thus, meeting the time requirement necessary. Regarding editing, there were also some fixes made. I found a better black-and-white filter for the nightmare scene which I used. This assisted in making the nightmare scene look better overall. As well, the commercial filming itself was flipped horizontally to look better. Some scenes were filmed vertically and others were filmed horizontally. To make it better, I flipped the commercial horizontally. Once editing was done, I put sound effects and music over certain parts of the commercial. For the nightmare, I put heavy breathing sounds and heartbeat sound effects to create suspense. I also added music during the scene where I get past defenders to add a hype mood to that part of the commercial. Finally, after everything was done, it all made the commercial better than it was before the final touches. Further improving the quality of the commercial, making it as smooth as possible and to the best version of itself. After these final fixes were made, it took about 30 minutes to complete. This concludes the end of the commercial.
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