Group Blog for Music Video
My group for this project is Tripp E, Donavan G, and Jack B. We will be working on making a music video that is a minute and 15 seconds long. The people I choose for this project will be crucial for the way it can possibly turn out. Due to this, these are the reasons why I have individually chosen these 3 people. First off, I chose to work with a group since we have the chance to connect ideas. If one person has an idea, and the other has something to add to it, the outcome of the finalized idea has the potential to be even better than the original. Now, the reasons why I picked the following people. I have known and worked with Tripp in the same class ever since the sixth grade. We have great chemistry when we work together, and in the times we have worked together, we have always surpassed expectations and done really well. I chose Donavan because he is a good friend of mine who I know is extremely creative and innovative, and knows how to bring great ideas to the group. Last but not least, I chose Jack for my group since he is a very straightforward person, and will be honest if improvement is needed. As well, he is a great worker and is the perfect person for our group. Once this group comes together for the project we have been assigned, each of our individual elements will come into play. With Jack's honesty and hard work, we will be able to make improvements to our project. Due to this, once said improvements are made, our project will have little to no errors. With Donavan's innovative mind, coming up with good ideas for the commercial. It has great potential to be the cause of why our project will be incredibly creative. Then with me and Tripp's chemistry from working together in the past, knowing each other will be very important. Since we already know each other very well, working with Tripp will be easier than ever. With this advantage, working together will help us create even better ideas. Finally, once we all come together with our individual qualities, it will be shown in the project. This will further lead to the project being the best version it could ever be.
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