Other Info: Final Task


2/8/25- 2/11/25: Filming will begin on these days. These days will be the ones where we get the acting in check and ensure our actors have all of their lines memorized and deliver them correctly. All scenes will be filmed on these days. If all not completed, the next day will have time set aside to film remaining scenes.  

2/15/25: Recording of voiceovers made and other audios will be found. The sound for the FT will be found and imported onto the computer, ensuring it is there for the editing process. Minor editing will also take place, but not major; this means playing around with the color correction of the scenes but nothing serious.  

2/18/25-2/19/25: Editing will commence and the video will be put together. The team will work together to put the video together and incorporate different editing tactics in order to fully appreciate the vibe that we are going for. Cutting the videos and putting and syncing the sound will be done on this day. On the next day the final editing will be done and the entire video will be color corrected to look its best and attribute to the thrilling feel. 


Filming will be commencing at multiple locations, urban and rural, following the thriller convention, such as... 

-Holiday Park (Soccer Pitch) 

-Group members home (Carson or Dylan) 

-The beach 



Albi Haxhi- The Stalked  

Dylan Euceda- The Stalker  

Ben Falk- Extra 

Carson Franke- Extra 

Carson Franke- Main Cameraman 

Ben Falk- Supportive Cameraman 


Albi Haxhi  

Dylan Euceda  

Carson Franke  


Ben Falk  

Carson Franke  


During the production of this project, my group and I made sure to follow as many precautions as possible in order for everyone to remain safe while filming. At every location we made sure we were allowed to film and had permission to carry on our project to dissolve any possible disputes. Everyone also had access to a phone and knew how to dial 911 quickly in the case of an emergency. The closest hospital to us was also researched depending on where we would be just to be prepared in case of the worst. 

To ensure everyone was performing and working as healthy as possible, we had daily checks to make sure everybody was healthy and feeling good enough to film and produce. We had group gym sessions in order to make sure everybody was truly at their best to perform. Food and hydration was also provided before and after production, to ensure everyone was working on a full stomach. 

For scenes where we were in Carson's car, we were extra careful to make sure the driver paid full attention to the road and was not distracted by the production process. During the scene where the car makes Dylan "disappear", we had one member with the cameraman and the other with Dylan to ensure nobody was alone during the filmmaking process. For the scene where the stalker body checks the stalked and he falls to the ground, the scene will be choreographed so that the stalked will fall without sustaining any actual injuries.  


If anything goes wrong during the scheduling, my group and I made sure to start early enough so that any pushbacks will not go past the final due date of the project. By doing this, we have enough time to bounce back and get what needs to be done quickly. If any of the editing software's we will use go down, my group and I will work quickly to find new ones to use to ensure that the project gets down swiftly and reaches its full potential. Other editing software we have in mind if CapCut goes down is Adobe and iMovie, both good alternatives for editing the video. We also have a backup if the camera we use fails or something happens with it. If anything happens to the camera, we will switch to filming entirely on iPhone, and if something goes wrong with the iPhone, we will work quickly to get the issue fixed. 


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