My Pitch Blog for Music Video

 Pitch 1: The song "Gods Plan" by Drake will be used for a music video that my group and I will create.

This pitch and song choice will be fun to use especially since this is one of the most popular songs ever released. Many trends and ideas have been created ever since this song came out. However we will obviously use our imagination and be original, there are many ideas we can come up with due to the versatility of this song. At first, we were concerned we would not be able to use this song due to the lyrics being explicit. Although explicit songs are not allowed, we can use the clean version of the song. This helps us get over the first obstacle that this song gave us. Apart from that, there should be no other reason why we cannot use this song. Another positive that can be brought from it is that it would be great for the audience since nearly everybody knows this song.  This song proves to be a good firsthand choice to use for our music video. 

Pitch 2: The song "Hotline Bling" by Drake for our music video.

This song would be good to use for our music video. However, this would not be our first choice. The first song "Gods Plan" still has the most versatility. Although both are extremely popular, we can be more creative with God's Plan. This comes to show a negative connotation in using Hotline Bling. Which yet again is due to the decreased creativity that can come with this. However, since it is one of the most streamed songs, yet again many trends and popular videos have come out because of it. If we have to copy those ideas to use as inspiration it would become our last resort if God's Plan becomes unavailable to use.

Pitch Chosen: We went with Pitch 1, which was the song Gods Plan by Drake. We ultimately came to the conclusion that this would be the best song we could use for this project. As well as we could get the best ideas for our music video. 


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