Filming Blog Music Video: Out in Town

Outside of filming at my house, we went to multiple places to film. We filmed our two other scenes on the rooftop of the mall and at the beach. At the mall, we filmed the other scene where I am seen lip-singing again to God's Plan, with Tripp next to me. We took about 5-10 shots trying to get the perfect scene. To film this scene, it took us about 20 minutes. By finishing the scene in 20 minutes, we were perfectly on schedule and did not waste any unnecessary time. After this, we headed to the beach to film the final scenes. When we first got to the beach, our main goal was to find 2 homeless people to give our money away. Fortunately, we found 2 homeless people to donate to. Before we filmed this scene, we went up to them and discussed what our plan was. We asked for consent to record them for our music video. Thankfully, we got their consent and began filming. Filming this scene was particularly quick, and it only took one shot to do. We got two separate clips of Tripp going up to two different homeless people and giving them money. Once we finished filming this scene, we got on and filmed the final scene. This scene was also shot on the beach around the same spot where we gave the money to the homeless. Donavan was recording Tripp and Jack sitting down and looking at the horizon. This was a 10-second clip we filmed to wrap up the music video, which will eventually transition into the closing scene once we get to editing. This concluded the second and final part of filming. In total, it took about 2 hours to film outside, without any complications. This further helped us reach our goal of staying on schedule just fine.


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