Storyboard: Final Task

Scene 1: Camera opens with a birds eye view showing butter dropping on top of pan 

Scene 2: Camera transitions to black after a swoosh or fade away and music begins to play, studio title is displayed

Scene 3: Camera is positioned inside of fridge, it is black, then fridge opens and shows character reaching in, pulling out eggs. Fridge closes and production company title is shown

Scene 4: Cuts to show egg cooking, from a different angle now, TBD when filming 

Scene 5: Low angle from position of phone on counter, man is out of focus but phone is in focus, Contact name of “friend” calling will show another title sequence 

Scene 6: POV shifts to the man now clenching his phone between his head and shoulder as he finishes cooking eggs, dialogue will commence between him and his friend. 

Scene 7: Over the shoulder shot of man grabbing plate, transitions to him sitting down and another title comes on screen 

Scene 8: Camera shows the man washing his plate after he is done eating his food, showing another title 

Scene 9: High angle shot shows the man now kneeling down zipping up his bag and heading out the door, title sequence shown.

Scene 10: Says goodbye to his mom and then gets into his car 

Scene 11: Camera shifts to him in his car and as he is driving he looks back in a state of paranoia as if he is being watched, title sequence shown

Scene 12: Camera shifts to outside view to show both cars, guy from behind is yelling out for the man to keep driving as the light is green

Scene 13: Low angle shot showing the man walking out of his car arriving at the park

Scene 14: Cuts to a long shot of the man playing soccer with friends

Scene 15: Shot reverse shot of the man bumping into a shadow figure

Scene 16: Close up shot of the man in his car murmuring under his breath

Scene 17: Cuts to pan shot of the man driving to the beach to meet up with a friend

Scene 18: Transitions to an over-the-shoulder shot of the man and the friend walking with the shadow figure on the other side

Scene 19: Long shot of the car driving by and the shadow figure disappearing, another title sequence will be shown

Scene 20: Cuts to low angle of the man still being paranoid

Scene 21: Medium shot of the man being weirded out and walking towards car

Scene 22: Cuts to the man in his car looking behind him to see if anything is behind him

Scene 23: Establishing shot of a gas station, another title will be shown

Scene 24: Medium shot of the man asking the clerk for 60 on pump 3

Scene 25: POV tilt of shadow figure watching the man while being hidden behind shelves

Scene 26: High angle of the man driving away from the gas station, another title will be shown once the car leaves

Scene 27: Cuts to a POV of the man walking toward his house, checking his back. Another title sequence will be shown once man turns back

Scene 28: Man goes inside and calls to greet his mom

Scene 29: The man walks toward a dark room questioning his surroundings

Scene 30: A hand hoes over the man's mouth, screen goes black, final title sequence shown


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