Filming Day Final Dance: Final Task
Day three of filming went near-perfect. It was the most successful of the other days we filmed. As well for how much we had left to do, we managed to do a great job and finish everything. We probably had the most amount of time to film on this day than the others, but it worked out perfectly. We had the beach scene, gas station scene, and ends of the house scene to finish up. We started filming early in the morning, until noon hit. That gave us a solid 4 hours to film without a rush. Filming itself went smoothly, and we unexpectedly finished every scene fairly quickly. It took us only about 10 minutes to get the beach scene done with, which already put us ahead of schedule, benefitting us more. The rest of the scenes took around 45 minutes to do. This worked out perfectly since we did not fall behind schedule. As well, it gave us the chance to redo some scenes we wanted to make better if possible since we had so much time on our hands. The opening house scene we decided to redo since we saw more potential. Then the first car scene we redid in order for it to look better. The best part about this filming day was the fact we finished fast, and we were on the beach so we could have fun throughout filming. This was our favorite filming day as it all went better than imagined. Also, we managed to get all the clips together and put them into one full video. We also played around with the light settings in the clips to make them look better than originally. This gave us a small head-start for when we start editing in the upcoming days. Our plan in overcoming the obstacles we originally had during the first two filming days worked out perfectly. We are very proud that we concluded the filming portion of this final project in style. Now onto editing and the next parts of this task!
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