Editing Blog: Meeting Time Requirement & Improving Quality
Once all the shots were filmed, it just came down to the editing. I merged all our best clips and put them all into one video. I had the editing app, therefore I was the one editing the clips, while my group mates gave me suggestions on what to do, improve, and cut. All the editing was done on my personal phone. When the clips were merged together, the length of the video was a whopping 1 minute and 16 seconds. The target time was a max of 30 seconds and a minimum of 27 seconds. To fulfill this requirement, I removed multiple clips that were unnecessary. As well as speeding up some clips without making them look weird. The editing of the commercial once finalized took about an hour. In total, I merged about 12 clips that we used throughout the filming. The first 3 clips did not need to be cut down since they were already short enough to keep in the commercial. However, they were sped up a bit to cut down time. The next few clips did need some shortening. For the second scene on the field where I am dribbling the defenders, those clips were shortened by 5-10 seconds each. The final scene with Donavan being the goalkeeper, was also cut down by about another 5-10 seconds. After this, it helped meet the time requirement of under 30 seconds and over 27 seconds. Once time shortening was finished, I moved on to adding filters and transitions to the clips. I added multiple transitions such as flashes, shake movements, and flashback movements to smoothly transition each clip. The only filter used was a black and white filter for the flashback in the first scene, to make the nightmare scene seem like a flashback. During the editing I also added sound effects during the commercial. As demonstrated in the first scene of the nightmare, there is a heavy breathing, and heartbeat effect to create suspense. Once all editing of this commercial was finalized, I managed to achieve a total of 29 seconds. Meeting the time requirement necessary for the commercial in order to get credit.
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