Filming Blog: Holiday Park and Dylan's House

On Sunday, September 23, it was the first day I started filming with my group. All group members were present for the filming, and the weather was good. Due to this, we started filming without any issues. I had the most camera time since I was the main player in the commercial. We started off the filming at holiday park for the soccer scene. I started with being filmed drinking a Gatorade on the bench before the game. After this, I was filmed on the field dribbling past defenders. Finally, I was filmed being fouled by one of the opposition's players and winning a penalty kick for myself because of the foul. While filming this scene, fortunately, the park was mostly empty, and we had the field to ourselves to film. There was no interruptions during filming because of this. As well, it helped speed up the process of filming. After this scene, I acted out what would come out to be the nightmare I had at the start of the commercial. I was filmed missing a chance in a game which would haunt me for the upcoming night causing me to have a nightmare. Yet again there were no obstacles during the filming of this scene, and all went to plan. Once we finished this first part of filming, I returned home later in the day with Jack. Once we got home we did what would be the first scene of the commercial, me sleeping and having a nightmare about missing an important chance in a previous game. It was a quick film scene since I was filmed just sleeping for a couple seconds. Due to this, filming this short scene was fairly quick and smooth. Overall, filming every scene took nearly 3 hours to get every shot and acting correctly done the way we wanted them to turn out. When it came to the props and costumes part of this commercial, I helped out in the props section. For props, I brought the soccer ball that was going to be used for filming. For the costume, I brought my own costume and cleats for the filming of this commercial. 


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