Creative Critical Reflection

 How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? 

My product did follow most conventions regarding sports drinks commercials; however, it did challenge them in some ways. In my commercial, we followed basic conventions such as jump cuts, athletic movements, and dramatic, high suspense scenes which all correlated and summed up how a sports commercial should be. My commercial challenged these conventions by not showing any signs of sweat or exhaustion by the athlete, nor inspirational music. Although showing sweat, and including inspirational music are huge portions that make up a sports commercial, my commercial still found a way to make it a perfect representation of how other sports commercials are constructed. For the music used in the commercial, it was the instrumental of the song “Cinderella” by Metro Boomin and Future. This showcases a hype-beat which perfectly fits the action and movements used in sports commercials. My commercial attempts to attract motivated athletes that are trying to reach the peak of their game by persuading them to drink Prime to help them reach their peak. To attract this specific audience, we based the commercial on the biggest sport in the world, soccer, and we compared Prime to Gatorade to show how Prime is dominant over Gatorade. Further demonstrating how choosing Prime keeps you motivated, energized, and makes sure you stay on top of your game.  

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as 
a real media text 

The opening scene of the commercial where I am briefly seen sleeping has a transition into a nightmare I was having. This helps make the audience stay tuned to see where it ends up going, and how it will shape up the rest of the commercial. Also, later in the commercial where I am seen taking a sip of Gatorade and heading onto the field, I am filmed doing skill moves and embarrassing defenders which the audience loves to see. This persuaded them to start to lean onto one side being the Gatorade sports drink. After this scene there is a major plot twist which will have the audience on the edge of their seat and then catching them off-guard with a plot twist that will also change the way they think. This being when my group mate Donavan saves the penalty, showcasing how Prime overpowered Gatorade, making up the plot twist in the commercial to keep the audience entertained right to the very end. The ways we will get it out to the audience, and market this commercial will be by putting it up on the most active social media apps and websites, and by reaching out to known social media influencers to help advertise our commercial. By purchasing airtime in between videos, it will help people view our commercials and by reaching out to influencers, it will help the commercial be seen by the thousands, even millions of followers that these influencers obtain. The more people see and share, the easier it will be to distribute, and produce our product. 
3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project? 
Since starting the project: how have you grown as a film maker? What have you learned? What 
do you like? What do you dislike? What career might you want now, what career do you know 
you never want now? What is the journey you have taken as a filmmaker? 

Ever since the start of the project, I was oblivious about editing. As the project went on, I started learning how to use the app I was editing on. One thing I learned from film making was how to merge different clips and cleanly transition into them. On the app I used, it offered different versions to transition from one clip to the next so it wouldn’t just be a jump cut over and over again. The things I like about film making are simply just editing. Although it is a lot of work, seeing the outcome is so rewarding. You have the power to make the video however you want and that is what I love so much about it. Something I dislike about film making is how time consuming it is, and how tiring that gets. My career choice has not changed yet regardless of me enjoying filming. However, being a producer or editor has made it to my backup career options. It has changed my perspective on how I thought of editing. I viewed editing as boring and time consuming but now I view it as exciting and interesting. 
4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? 

The editing app I used for this project was Cap Cut. I originally heard lots of good reviews about Cap Cut so I decided to give it a try. I saw a lot of editing features that I have never seen before. I did not use any software or other versions of technology for my project. This project was done and edited on my phone. I learned that it was possible to control light balance and color grading on the video, and how to adjust how much effect the filters had. Overall, overall helped improve the quality of my commercial, and the visuals to match certain vibes throughout the commercial.


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