Storyboard for Music Video

Scene 1: 

Opening scene will show that our budget for the video was 40 dollars and that we gave it all away.

Scene 2: 

Dylan will be standing alongside the beach showing the views and our money.

Scene 3: 

Music is lowered and Dylan is seen handing money out to the homeless people.

Scene 4: 

Close up shot is taken when person receives the money we are handing out. 

Scene 5: 

Cuts to Dylan walking/dancing on the beach to music being played.

Scene 6: 

Shows Dylan dancing again but this time he's on a roof.

Scene 7: 

Next example of us giving away money we be at the beach and Dylan will give money to a random person. 

Scene 8: 

Person is thankful for our donation to them.  

Scene 9: 

Camera cuts to a wide angle of a soccer field at a park.

Scene 10: 

Dylan finds another homeless person and gives them the money. 

Scene 11: 

Cuts to all the cast members playing soccer at the park. 

Scene 12: 

Final scene cuts all the scenes to gather and shows our random four deeds.


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