Editing Blog Music Video: First Day

I started editing after the day we finished filming. Jack came over to my house to help me edit since I needed some assistance. We started off by merging the scenes all into one for the video. When we merged the clips together, the length of the video came out to be over our time limit. Our video was one minute and 30 seconds, 15 seconds over the limit. This called for some cutting of certain scenes. We thought this would become an issue since we would either have to delete a scene or cut down important parts. However, this was not the case and we did not have to cut out important scenes. We managed to get the video down to be under the limit. As well as managing to stay above the minimum time required. Once we finished this section of editing, we started to match the lyrics to the video. We started the actual music lyrics halfway through the song, so we had to find right where the music matched my lip-singing. Fortunately, this was also quick to achieve and so we moved along. The only setback was that we were on a time schedule. I was busy later in the afternoon and Jack had to leave soon after. So we decided to split up editing into 2 different days. Our goal for this first day was to get our music video time to be in the required limit. Our other goal was to match the lyrics without any complications to remain on schedule. Thankfully this worked out perfectly while staying on schedule and getting some editing work done to make it easier for the next day. Overall, a productive first day in editing without any major setbacks. This concluded our first day of editing for our music video.


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