
Showing posts from January, 2025

Storyboard: Final Task

Scene 1:  Camera opens with a birds eye view showing butter dropping on top of pan   Scene 2:   Camera transitions to black after a swoosh or fade away and music begins to play, studio title is displayed Scene 3:  Camera is positioned inside of fridge, it is black, then fridge opens and shows character reaching in, pulling out eggs. Fridge closes and production company title is shown Scene 4:  Cuts to show egg cooking, from a different angle now, TBD when filming   Scene 5:  Low angle from position of phone on counter, man is out of focus but phone is in focus, Contact name of “friend” calling will show another title sequence   Scene 6:   POV shifts to the man now clenching his phone between his head and shoulder as he finishes cooking eggs, dialogue will commence between him and his friend.   Scene 7:  Over the shoulder shot of man grabbing plate, transitions to him sitting down and another title comes on screen   Scene 8:...

Title Design: Final Task

Fonts: T here will be some simple and bold fonts such as Condensed Bold, Semi Bold, and Black Italic. The use of these different fonts will make the titles pop or show them boldly for the audience to see clearly. Another main point of these fonts is to be eye-catching, as opposed to something in the background meaning that it is the main focus of ea ch scene.   Color:   Depending on where and when the scene is filmed , the title sequences will be in different colors so that they do not blend in with the backdrop. For example, with a sky scene with a blue and white backdrop, we will use something dark, such as a bold black. And then for something darker, such as a black background, the title will be a lighter color, such as white, red,  green, etc. Different coloring will be essential for the title sequences to not blend in with any backdrops.   Size:  Now for the size, the size of each title sequence will depend on how important th...

Other Info: Final Task

  SCHEDULE    2/8/25- 2/11/25:  Filming will begin on these days. These days will be the ones where we get the acting in check and ensure our actors have all of their lines memorized and deliver them correctly. All scenes will be filmed on these days. If all not completed, the next day will have time set aside to film remaining scenes.    2/15/25:   Recording of voiceovers made and other audios will be found. The sound for the FT will be found and imported onto the computer, ensuring it is there for the editing process. Minor editing will also take place, but not major; this means playing around with the color correction of the scenes but nothing serious.    2/18/25-2/19/25:  Editing will commence and the video will be put together. The team will work together to put the video together and incorporate different editing tactics in order to fully appreciate the vibe that we are going for. Cutting the videos and putting and syncing t...