Filming Day The Start: Final Task

We split up filming into two different days. Me and my group decided to film later at noon around 2 P.M, at my house. We shot the first few scenes which were in my kitchen, which did end up taking longer than expected. However, with this taking time but running smoothly, the camera battery died somewhat quickly. This led to even more time being taken up, ending in the first part of filming in the house taking around two and a half hours putting us behind schedule. We decided to film out of order, cutting out the first of the car scenes to be done another day. Once we came to this conclusion, we finished up the scene's first shot in the house and drove to our next location, the park. It was around evening time, so the sun was starting to go down. Our goal was to at least finish with the beach scenes by the end of the day before the sun went down but that was not our case. Due to this, we decided to take our time at the park and get quality shots in. This did prove to be an advantage for us since the shots came out better than expected without a rush. However, it did put us a day behind in filming, but it was not that big of an obstacle to overcome. Once again, it did take us around an hour or so to finish filming at the park. We realized it did not really matter how long it took us to film generally because we dedicated more days to film, allowing us to not feel rushed or stressed out. This proved to show how we overcame the obstacle of falling behind schedule. Overall, the first part of filming came out pretty good. We also started to merge the clips into one video to see how it was turning out so far. To say the least, we were really impressed, the lighting and angles were much better than expected. We cooperated as a team, and there was no real complications. This concluded a successful first day of filming. As well as giving us hope for the upcoming filming days to go as smoothly as this time.


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