Filming Day Continuation: Final Task

Unfortunately, our second day of filming did not go as planned. Regardless, filming did not go as bad as expected. We had planned to film all day after school, but Carson and I forgot we had a meeting to attend after school, which resulted in us getting home around 4 p.m. We also had limited filming time since Carson had sports practice at 5:30 p.m. The most we could get done today were all of the car scenes for our film. This part was filmed successfully, and since we knew we did not have time for other scenes in different locations, we yet again took our time to get quality shots. The shots did come out to be really good, and we were satisfied with what we could get done. The lighting and scenery were really nice since it was sunset time outside, and it matched the aesthetic we wanted. Filming this part went smoothly, and there were no real complications apart from having to do multiple takes to get the right shot. The real setback we faced was of course having limited filming time and having to split filming into 3 days. This leaves our next filming day with a lot of work to be done. We need to finish a beach and gas station scene. Along with finishing the final house scenes all to do in one day. However, a possible solution to this obstacle was to film one day over the weekend, specifically in the morning. On the day this happens, our goal will be to finish filming completely. All the missing scenes we have to do, and possible fix-ups we plan to be done on this day. It is a hard task to complete, but it is all possible. Again, we also do not want to rush our filming regardless of our time schedule, since we want the best shots possible. Day two of filming had its setbacks that we found solutions to. However it had positive takeaways that we are satisfied with.


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