Problem and Solution: Final Task

While filming the final task, I have faced the most issues I have encountered throughout the year. However, throughout improving, and finding solutions for certain problems as the year progressed, it made solving these issues easier. The first issue we had was before filming even started. It was scheduling. We are all incredibly busy and are rarely home due to extracurricular activities. Most of us did sports and travelled far for it. Thus hindering our time to film. As stated in my previous blogs, we had to make 3 different days to film, which is a day more than we needed. As well as 2 days to edit, when we ideally wanted to start/finish in 1 day. The solutions found to this were to film scene by scene without rushing since we knew we would have more days to film the rest, so we did exactly that. The next obstacle that came our way was the time during filming. Since the first scenes we shot were in the evening, we had to shoot the rest of the scenes around that time on different days. If we filmed it at different times, the film all together would not match off and it would look off. However, to counter this, we made ourselves free during these specific times to film without issue, and in chronological order. Then, a third issue we faced was the days for editing. Since we ran out of time the first day due to a surprise schedule change since Carson had to leave early, we needed to find a solution. Although we were quick to act on a solution, Carson had to miss part of the editing unfortunately, however he did eventually catch up, and edited other parts of the film instead. As well he added some final touched. Overall these issues were mostly a surprise and did catch us off guard, we found perfect solutions to not set us back more. By working as a team, one step at a time, we found our way around obstacles, and led ourselves to success in finishing the task. We are getting ever so close to finishing so stay tuned!


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