
Showing posts from September, 2024

Production Blog: Overall

 Overall, the commercial came out much better than expected. After both previous production blogs regarding editing and filming, some small tweaks and fixes were made. More scenes were dropped, and other scenes were added. I removed a slow-motion scene originally included in the nightmare scene. We all agreed that it was best if that scene was dropped. Also, it would make space for a better scene to be added to the commercial. Also, the closing scene was dropped. A new closing scene was added which improved the quality of the commercial, making it the perfect ending. After all the removal and additions of scenes, the commercial still ended up at 29 seconds. Thus, meeting the time requirement necessary. Regarding editing, there were also some fixes made. I found a better black-and-white filter for the nightmare scene which I used. This assisted in making the nightmare scene look better overall. As well, the commercial filming itself was flipped horizontally to look better. Some scen...

Editing Blog: Meeting Time Requirement & Improving Quality

 Once all the shots were filmed, it just came down to the editing. I merged all our best clips and put them all into one video. I had the editing app, therefore I was the one editing the clips, while my group mates gave me suggestions on what to do, improve, and cut. All the editing was done on my personal phone. When the clips were merged together, the length of the video was a whopping 1 minute and 16 seconds. The target time was a max of 30 seconds and a minimum of 27 seconds. To fulfill this requirement, I removed multiple clips that were unnecessary. As well as speeding up some clips without making them look weird. The editing of the commercial once finalized took about an hour. In total, I merged about 12 clips that we used throughout the filming. The first 3 clips did not need to be cut down since they were already short enough to keep in the commercial. However, they were sped up a bit to cut down time. The next few clips did need some shortening. For the second scene on th...

Filming Blog: Holiday Park and Dylan's House

On Sunday, September 23, it was the first day I started filming with my group. All group members were present for the filming, and the weather was good. Due to this, we started filming without any issues. I had the most camera time since I was the main player in the commercial. We started off the filming at holiday park for the soccer scene. I started with being filmed drinking a Gatorade on the bench before the game. After this, I was filmed on the field dribbling past defenders. Finally, I was filmed being fouled by one of the opposition's players and winning a penalty kick for myself because of the foul. While filming this scene, fortunately, the park was mostly empty, and we had the field to ourselves to film. There was no interruptions during filming because of this. As well, it helped speed up the process of filming. After this scene, I acted out what would come out to be the nightmare I had at the start of the commercial. I was filmed missing a chance in a game which would h...

Storyboard Blog

First Scene: Starts with a flashback and Dylan misses the game-losing penalty and he is very sad Second Scene: Dylan wakes up from the nightmare that he misses the penalty and realizes he is only in his toom Third Scene: It is gameday and Dylan is sitting on the bench before his game and he is drinking Gatorade to get ready for the game Fourth Scene Dylan is playing very good and beating all his defenders seemingly due to the Gatorade he drank Fifth Scene: Dylan's attack gets halted as he is fouled and earns a penalty just like in his dream. Sixth Scene: Dylan takes the penalty and it gets saved by Donovan and it is then revealed that he drank Prime signifying that Prime shows better results than Gatorade.  

Planning Blog for Prime Commercial

  Props:   Due to my group choosing to do a Prime commercial, the main prop will be a Prime drink. Other props that will be used is a soccer ball and a soccer goal.    Costumes:     In our commercial, all 4 of our group members will be in the commercial. Dylan will wear athletic clothing with the colors being navy blue and black. Tripp and Jack will wear athletic clothing with the colors being white and black. Soccer cleats will be used in the video while on the field.   Schedule:   On 9/12/2024, as a group we meet and discuss the commercial and dates for when it will be filmed . As well as necessary props and backup plans will be discussed on this day.   On 9/ 18/2024, the storyboard for the 30-second commercial will be made and finished as a group .   On 10/01/2024, the commercial will be shot, and editing will happen on the same day. Therefore, finishing the project in one day.     Location :     One of the tw...

Research Blog for Prime Commercial

  Cams :     High angles   Eye Level   Pan   Editi ng:   Fast Editing   Quick Cuts   Sound :   Upbeat music   Mis En Scene :   Prime Bottles     Gatorade :   Cams :    High Angles   Low Angles   Pan   Editing :   Fast Editing   Cuts   Slo-mo   Sound :   Inspirational Music   Mis En Scene   Gym   Bench   Basketball court/ ball   Sweat     Rope