
Showing posts from February, 2025

Problem and Solution: Final Task

While filming the final task, I have faced the most issues I have encountered throughout the year. However, throughout improving, and finding solutions for certain problems as the year progressed, it made solving these issues easier. The first issue we had was before filming even started. It was scheduling. We are all incredibly busy and are rarely home due to extracurricular activities. Most of us did sports and travelled far for it. Thus hindering our time to film. As stated in my previous blogs, we had to make 3 different days to film, which is a day more than we needed. As well as 2 days to edit, when we ideally wanted to start/finish in 1 day. The solutions found to this were to film scene by scene without rushing since we knew we would have more days to film the rest, so we did exactly that. The next obstacle that came our way was the time during filming. Since the first scenes we shot were in the evening, we had to shoot the rest of the scenes around that time on different d...

CapCut Editing Application: Final Task

The application used to edit our film is called CapCut. There were multiple reasons why we chose this app. There are both pros and cons to CapCut. Although most people use editing software found online, we used CapCut because it is simply easier. On editing software, most of the time it is pay-to-use regardless of its features. As well as its accessibility on the phone would simply be too difficult. This already is a benefit of CapCut, its accessibility! It is so much easier to use on both phone and computer. We did use both devices to edit so this worked out in our favor. Also, its features while having not to pay on CapCut, were perfect, easy to use, and looked good too. Another benefit was that we already knew our way around the app. We have all used this app in our free time to randomly edit videos, and in our previous tasks for this class. Giving us yet another reason to use this app. In our experience this time around for our film, CapCut did not disappoint. The filters available...

Editing Day Continued: Final Task

Our second and final day of editing came around. It was the most successful day of this project. We did have a lot of work to do, however. Since on the first day, we only did the first part of the editing, we had the other half to complete. This other half included the longer, more complicated clips. I say complicated since there is a lot of movement, the lighting is different, and they are all different locations. So, we had to adjust every single clip, for it to flow with the aesthetic. Most of this was experimenting with the settings on the clips. This took us about 45 minutes to complete, leaving us with more time for the other parts. These parts are the sound audio. Some clips did require sound, and others did not. Due to this, we needed some clips to be louder than others or be toned down as these clips transitioned with each other. This did take longer than expected since we needed to also keep in mind that we were adding music to some clips eventually. This was the longest sect...

Editing Day: Final Task

Now that filming is over, editing came next. We chose to edit the following day once filming was done. To say the least, it went decent. We were nowhere near finishing, but we fixed the lighting of all the clips to our liking. Such as exposure, brilliance, vibrancy, and saturation. Our choice was to go for somewhat of a dark aesthetic. This was to follow through that mystery, and suspense kind of vibe. As well, we edited the first few scenes of the movie. We included the transitions to smoothly go from clip to clip. We also decided to integrate the titles in these opening scenes. Alas, we needed to cut down some clips, so that we do not go over the time limit. It did not take much cutting off, but still needed to be tweaked a bit. This took us about an hour or two to complete. Once we finished, we decided to plan out the next editing days, and how the schedule was going to go. The application used to edit and integrate the clips was CapCut. All of our previous projects have been edited...

Filming Day Final Dance: Final Task

 Day three of filming went near-perfect. It was the most successful of the other days we filmed. As well for how much we had left to do, we managed to do a great job and finish everything. We probably had the most amount of time to film on this day than the others, but it worked out perfectly. We had the beach scene, gas station scene, and ends of the house scene to finish up. We started filming early in the morning, until noon hit. That gave us a solid 4 hours to film without a rush. Filming itself went smoothly, and we unexpectedly finished every scene fairly quickly. It took us only about 10 minutes to get the beach scene done with, which already put us ahead of schedule, benefitting us more. The rest of the scenes took around 45 minutes to do. This worked out perfectly since we did not fall behind schedule. As well, it gave us the chance to redo some scenes we wanted to make better if possible since we had so much time on our hands. The opening house scene we decided to redo si...

Filming Day Continuation: Final Task

Unfortunately, our second day of filming did not go as planned. Regardless, filming did not go as bad as expected. We had planned to film all day after school, but Carson and I forgot we had a meeting to attend after school, which resulted in us getting home around 4 p.m. We also had limited filming time since Carson had sports practice at 5:30 p.m. The most we could get done today were all of the car scenes for our film. This part was filmed successfully, and since we knew we did not have time for other scenes in different locations, we yet again took our time to get quality shots. The shots did come out to be really good, and we were satisfied with what we could get done. The lighting and scenery were really nice since it was sunset time outside, and it matched the aesthetic we wanted. Filming this part went smoothly, and there were no real complications apart from having to do multiple takes to get the right shot. The real setback we faced was of course having limited filming time a...

Filming Day The Start: Final Task

We split up filming into two different days. Me and my group decided to film later at noon around 2 P.M, at my house. We shot the first few scenes which were in my kitchen, which did end up taking longer than expected. However, with this taking time but running smoothly, the camera battery died somewhat quickly. This led to even more time being taken up, ending in the first part of filming in the house taking around two and a half hours putting us behind schedule. We decided to film out of order, cutting out the first of the car scenes to be done another day. Once we came to this conclusion, we finished up the scene's first shot in the house and drove to our next location, the park. It was around evening time, so the sun was starting to go down. Our goal was to at least finish with the beach scenes by the end of the day before the sun went down but that was not our case. Due to this, we decided to take our time at the park and get quality shots in. This did prove to be an advantage...